Thursday, May 26, 2011 I'm kill me! (originally posted 25 February)

My new house has brought all my OC tendenacies out with a vengence! I suppose that once I start actually living in the house, this might go away. Not, however, while I'm still in the throes of moving in.

For the first time in my life (wow....I need to take a minute) I am moving into a place that I picked out, and will hopefully never have to move out of. That means that literally everything in the house will be something that I want there. That includes you too honey! :)

I have already declared to myself that nothing goes into the house with out being exactly the way I want it. Otherwise, it is given away, thrown away, recycled, or put into storage until "brought up to code". Case in point. I have a rocking chair that isn't particularly pretty, but holds a great deal of sentimental value. It does, however, need to be re-caned. Until that happens, into storage.

When putting away my dishes, I very carefully placed each dish exactly where I thought it looked best. I still am not through, but right now my house looks like HGTV staged it to sell. No really!

Right now I am content to reposition rugs, spend waaay too much time twitching the drapes to perfect alignment, carefully consider the contents of each drawer for color and use, and rearrange books to present the most pleasing display (and yes, I actually read them).

Maybe I should stop...I probably should stop...just as soon as I move that glass.

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