Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tending the Homestead

100 year-old medicine cabinet. Waiting for our greenhouse!
My cold-compost heap..bin..pile? The gate is original. My plan is to eventually plant Confederate Jasmine so it will climb the gate and hide the heap/bin/pile/thing. 
Carpenter Bee trap. So far we have trapped wasps.
Wood cutting and splitting area.
I am resurrecting the old planting beds. The ground is too "root-y" to till so I am trying "lasagna gardening". 
Rake up the leaves then lay down a thick layer of newspaper. Wet it...
...Cover it back up with leaves, mulch, or yard clippings...
...then cover that with manure and  wait!
Pots waiting for spring...and the greenhouse.
Organic apple seeds germinating
My little apple tree! Anybody got a spare scion?
Mags is either doing some gardening of her own...
...or she has found something!

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